Thursday, January 8, 2009

Free Expression through Art

The Supported Living group embarked on a group project to learn how to draw and paint. This finished piece of work on a canvas 6ft by 4 ft is their ultimate pride and joy. The facilitator was an art therapist, a former assistant special needs teacher Reena Clare who took the whole group of 10 youth with learning disabilities through this most exhilarating experience during 6 days in December 2008.

This piece of canvas may appear simply as a splash of colour done haphazardly, however on the contrary, this finished piece embodies the very symbols of experiences and people who have brought great joy to these 10 individuals involved. This is their unedited and untouched piece of work in every sense of the word!!!

1st art piece together.

All work and no play? NO WAY.

Working in progress....

Final piece... finally!

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