Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Supported Living Program: 10-11-12 Feb 2012

Activity: SEGI AIESECERS, Associates & Volunteers giving OPTIONS members a visit and some items for donation.
: To enable members to interact with the community and make new friends.

Activity: Kenhan's birthday party
Objective: To celebrate each person as a unique individual and value each other as friends

Activity: Sunday morning jogging with Josh Green
: To train OPTIONS members for upcoming marathon.

Supported Living Program: 3-4 Feb 2012

Activity: Current Affairs ( Whats in the newpaper today ?)
: To enable members to be aware of the news all around the world.

Activity: Cleaning of OPTIONS kitchen
: To enable members to take care of the OPTIONS house

Supported Living Program: 27-28-29 Jan 2012

Activity: Discussion about Chinese New Year
: To enable members to be aware of the cultures of Chinese New Year and to share their excitements on their holidays.

Activity: Having lunch at Secret Recipe TTDI
: To enable members to interact with each other and the community.

Supported Living Program: 13-14 Jan 2012

Activity: Sara cake making session
: To learn basic baking skills

Supported Living Program: 6-7-8 Jan 2012

Activity: Changing curtains
Objective: To teach individual on how to take care of the OPTIONS house.

Activity: Evaluating OPTIONS 2011 programme activity
Objective: To get all members involved and participating in generating ideas for the programme